Superfile Monitor

IMPORTANT NOTE: The Superfile Monitor has been superseded by the Datastore Growth Monitor which is standard in the Diagnostics Product. The Datastore Growth Monitor is available from Diagnostics version 2.4.0 onwards.

Supporter: Diagnostics Competence Center; Ram and Gert

GE introduced the principle of superfiles in order to exceed the maximum allowed file sizes as defined by the file system.

Therefore, customers define a superfile structure that lasts for a long time. However, at a certain moment in time even this structure will fulfill the needs up to its extent.

This module aims to prevent the bad situation of running out of space and even worse into broken block headers.

Files on System (in kByte)
Superfile Dashboard for files on the system in kilobytes

The module reports two events: The status of the files and superfile components.

Status of the Components
Status of the Components

These events are generated from the ds_file and the information given by the components as returned by the ds_file.

You can now see in one glance how your superfile definition is meeting your needs.

Percentage of the components filled
Percentage of the components filled

You can also create alert on certain situations:

Size Analysis based on view
Size Analysis based on view

The expect time for running out of space is a good value for alerting.


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